My dear dear had his birthday on early of this month. 1+1=2 (that's the hints of the birthdate)
I bought 3 different presents for him and I guess he like them all as he already utilized every of the present either daily or frequently. Hehe.

Look at this couple bear. Do they look like dear dear and I?

Dear dear's Nike stoking seems be to worn. So I bought three pairs for him.

Nice wrapping ya? Guess what's it inside?

Polo Belt. Dear dear's original belt was torn. So a new belt suit him just nice.

I like the design of this belt's face. So unique of it.
You must be wondering what's the third present.
It's a Yonex badminton racket but I didn't take a photo on it.
So, if you feel like seeing it, maybe you can ask us to go for badminton someday. Hehe..
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