Do you know what is the structure of Female and Male's brain?
This is quite logical but it is incorrect in term of biological aspect. :-P
Women have strong or intensive telephone skills, shopping skills, listening skill, shoes/ handbag co-ordination, needs for commitment hemisphere.
It also contains of chocolate centre, indecision neucleas, jealousy and shopping.
Footnote: Note how closely connected the small sex cell to the listening gland.

Men's brain cell is mostly on the sex cell and partly to sports, dangerous pursuits.
It also contains scanning area, TV & remote control addiction centre, lame excuses gland, "avoid personal questions at all costs" area, ability to drive manual tramission.
The most funny is men have low-level of skills in term of listening, attention, ironing, domestic skills, and toilet-aiming skills.
Footnote: "The listening to children's cry in the middle of night" gland is not shown due to it's small and underdeveloped nature. Best viewed under a microscope.