As several of friends are waiting to view my photos of Redang Trip. Yeah!~ Finally, I was able to look up for some time just to upload the photos.
This is only for the first day and I didn't uploaded all. Those photos that I'd selected are because they are more meaningful.
Six of us (inclusive of Ashwin, Thomas, Andy, Audrey, dear and I) departed at around 12a.m from Melaka and headed towards Kuantan and then from there we went to Kuala Terengganu.
Andy voluntarily to be the first driver and after that Thomas took over half way. Amazingly both of the Swiss guys were able to read the signboard and recognized the roads better than the rest of us which are Malaysians.
Finally after a 6 and a half hours drive, we reached at Kuala Terengganu Merang Jetty. After we obtained our boat pass, we went for a breakfast before we board on the boat.
Alright, for the rest of day, let's start to view on my photos.
Here you are.. Thomas--the second person who droved and his driving skills was really shocking as the way he drove made everybody thought that we were riding on the roller coaster in the midnight. Haha!~

This is the place where we were waiting for the boat to arrive at the jetty after our light breakfast. We were departing to Laguna Redang Resort which was said as the Five-star resorts in Redang Island.

When we arrived in Redang Island, we were given a briefing and we were informed that the check-in time was 2p.m. However, we could be able to enjoy our lunch starting from 12.30p.m.
This is Laguna's beach area which was suitable for sunbath.

The first photo I took in Redang Island. Dear and I decided to take a walk before the lunch and the sun was really too bright and in fact it was too hot till I couldn't really open my eyes when I took photo. Haha!

Dear and I took a photo at another side of Laguna Resort. You see.. I was forcing myself to open my eyes and dear was cleverer because he wore the sunglasses to avoid the eye contact.

Hehe. This is the place where every Malaysian will capture at least a photo of it. The place where the movie 'Summer More More Tea' was filmed and it had become one of the hot spot promoted in Redang Island.

Haha. How could dear let go a chance to take the photo of this More More Tea Inn to prove that he'd been to Redang?

Yeah.. The next one was me. Don't look at my thigh or legs. I know it's fat.. Haha!

Ngek ngek ngek... Another 'hot spot' that must be taken a photo. I had observed that all the couples would took a photo at this spot to prove that their heart will go on and on..

Dear told me after he took this photo, he felt that he are more potentially to be a photographer. What do you think?

The wooden bridge connected to Redang Reef Resort where the blue sand spot was located.

Ashwin and I on the wooden bridge. One of the most sincere colleague that dear has in his company. He was also our roommate during the trip.

Why do I want to share this photo with you? The reason was because the way those marine creatures were drawn was really 'cute'. In Redang, you could go for scuba diving even you don't own a diving license. However, you need to bear for extra charges.

Thomas just had fun at the seaside with Andy and Audrey. Three of them couldn't wait to go into the sea before the snorkeling trip. Do you know how tall is this guy? 192cm. Superb tall...

Such a beautiful scenery on Redang Island's sea. The water was so clear and you have no reason to refuse to go into it.

We reserved for the Pool View Triple-sharing room and this is how the pool view looked like. Not bad huh?

On the first day, only me couldn't joined for the snorkeling trip due to girls' matter. So I stayed in the room and had a good rest. This photo was taken before we go for dinner. We were quite satisfied with the lunch on that day and looked forward for the dinner and most of them were extremely hungry after the sea activities.

Ashwin and dear. Dear said he likes this photo as both of them looked just as natural and relax as they were in Redang.

The night view of More More Tea Inn.
There were actually limited activities during night time in the island but we found one. The open night disco at the resort next to us but we didn't joined it.
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