Thursday, June 28, 2007

-- Transformers --

I wasn't a fan of "Transformers" but many of my friends did.

They include of my dear and his younger sister. (They are the typical one).

Yesterday we went to watch the movie and I could say it was one of the best movie that I'd watched before.

I really admired the way Autoborts transformed themselves.. Hehe..

If you ask me to rate for this movie, I would say 5/5.

My dear even stated in his YM status "Transformers -- Best of the BEST!"

It's really a nice movie to watch as it also included the comedy elements in the story line.

Well, if you don't believe on me, watch it yourselves. :-P

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

-- Allergy --

Again discussing about allergy..

My dear got special allergy case..

What is it about?

My dear was not feeling well since last few weeks.

He told me he was down and he didn't know what caused him to be that way.

Until last two days, he was complaining about his abnormal heart beat & that'd really scared me.

Then, yesterday he went to a specialist for check-up and at the end...

The doctor diagnosed his allergy to TEA, COFFEE and SOYA SAUCE!!

Doctor advised him stop drinking TEA and COFFEE and avoid to take food that cooked with SOYA SAUCE.

How pity is it?!

Almost all the food we eat contains of SOYA SAUCE..

I think from now on, my dear can only eat Mee Soup or Bihun Soup.

NO Coffee Bean, Starbucks, San Francisco, Dome anymore..

It's alright..

For the sake of health, I will morally support u ya!! Gambate!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

-- Greedy => Food Allergy --

Last wednesday, I attended the annual dinner of CADP.

It was a fantastic one, all delicious food and nice games to play with.

Everyone got their own "lucky draw" and I got a hamper.

Unfortunately, because of the per person charge in the buffet, I didn't let go of any chance to eat nice food especially SEAFOOD.

Opps.. There's come the disaster.

The next day, I got allergy and the whole body started to get itchiness gradually.

On Friday morning, when I woke up, I didn't even dare to look at my own body as it's fulled of scar of scratches.

I thought it was measles but at the end doctor said it should be food allergy and she suspected the seafood.

The moral of the story. "Think twice before you eat, don't only think of the price you pay!"

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

-- Touching story (Mandarin) --

(Sorry to those who don't know mandarin, I will try to translate it next time.. :-P)

This is a story of why a mother in Tsunami would let go of the elder child instead of the younger.


昨天MOLLY要出門上學時,因弟弟ALLEN不小心打翻了湯,弄髒了她的衣服,差一點讓她遲到.... 她有點生氣.....







於是我告訴MOLLY, 生活中若發生任何小事絆住我們,我們都不須動怒與抱怨......

我們要心存感謝..... 她點點頭說她懂!!!


她說: 媽咪,我記得上次什麼大海嘯時

我聽妳和爸爸說過, 有一個媽媽抱著兩個孩子被大海嘯沖走 ,

最後她選擇放棄那大的小孩, 妳跟爸爸也說,要是你們的話,你們也會一樣, 為什麼?




她當時並沒有問我, 但,我想這一個她不懂的故事,在她心中必留下小小的陰影....


我擁她入懷抱,我想了很久, 不知該如何告訴她這一個感人又痛心的故事....


我很認真的告訴她, 因為那個媽媽當一手各抱著一個小孩被大海嘯捲入,

當她決定放開一隻手, 是因為她知道唯有兩隻手用力抱住一個孩子才能讓小孩有活著的機會,


我很認真的告訴她, 不是因為那媽媽不愛那大的孩子,

而是, 她知道那大的孩子必有智慧去求生,

她知道 那大的孩子可能會聰明的抓住樹幹漂流,

她知道那大的孩子如果漂流到岸邊一定也會想辦法生存 ,







MOLLY 開心的笑了,說:那大的孩子好棒呦!!! 難怪妳也會選擇放棄我..............

身為父母的我們,有沒有常常因為不經意又不自覺的一句話或動作而傷害過小孩呢 ?

其實, 很多小孩的傷害來自父母, 一個傷自尊的斥責, 一個動怒的巴掌, 一次無心的棄離,

甚至一個沒有說明的故事, 有的是無心之過, 有的是刻骨之痛,


所以,建議為人父母的我們,在與小孩相處及對話時 ,也能稍微停頓思考一下,



Tuesday, June 19, 2007

-- Bad Day --

Today is definitely a BAD day for me..

I told my students that I will arrive at class earliest by 8.05a.m.

Therefore, the class will normally start at 8.10a.m and latest by 8.15a.m.

Somehow new students seemed to be early birds.

They woke up early and came to class before 8a.m.

That's why I was reported for being late not more than 7 min by the FOSEE's head.

Haha! How dare me? !

It's because we are human.

Human has feelings but I think he doesn't has.

He thought that everyone must not make any mistake and if you try once,
you'll know the consequences.

If you want me to tell you his name, I am dare to do so but I don't want.

If you want to know his name,
visit MMU website and get into FOSEE webpage to know it.

I am thankful to 2 of my best friends.

They had given me good advices.

Yes! I should have changed myself.

Not to be too particular on the stupid comment.

As long as I am doing right thing, don't have to care about what other's thinking.

Do you agree with me?

Thanks to this STUPID IDIOT FATTY for teaching me a lesson!

-- 回程篇 --


老公仔真辛苦,旅游后还要驾车在我们回家。谢谢你, 老公!

难为老公仔在专心驾车,我竟然拿起他的手机和BB LIM自拍,真过分!



-- 波德申 (出去走走篇)--





对不起, 恐龙先生!


Monday, June 18, 2007

-- Busy? --

I think it had been a week time I didn't updated my blog.

I was too busy preparing for this new coming semester.

I was 'fooled' to attend a 2-days workshop.
(It was not meant for us and it was supposed to be top management oriented workshop)

I hope everything will be fine.

I wish all the students can understand what I am trying to teach them in class.

(As you know Math is hard to teach well)

I hope the next time I go back to KL,
I can have more personal activities rather than being planned by my family. :-P

I wish I can have a long holiday.. Haha! So lazy of me!

Too bad, the new trimester had just started..

So wait for another end-sem ya..

What about all of you? Busy as well?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

-- 波德申 (灿烂早晨篇) --

第二天早晨, 我们为了要试吃餐厅里的早餐, 唯有早点爬起床.

梳洗的当儿也顺便收拾行李, 方便待会要'CHECK-OUT'.

虽然有点不舍得, 可是没办法, 隔天就要上班了, 真扫兴哦!

早上起来, 我们的表情很明显是'还想再睡'啦!

在餐厅里等待着美味的早餐时, 唯有拍拍照娱乐一下自己, 嘻嘻!

老公仔这样的表情很可爱吧? 哈哈!

Scrambled Egg with Cheese filling, together with hashed potato, baked tomato & chicken sausage.

Scrambled Egg with Turkey Ham filling, together with hashed potato, baked tomato and beef bacon. (*我不吃牛肉的, 应该猜到是谁点的吧!)

-- 波德申(阳光沙滩篇) --

其实在午餐之前, 我俩已经先到美丽的沙滩一游了.

虽然当时的天气很炽热, 却忍不住要多吸收一点平时的不到的海水气息.

理所当然的, 我俩拍下了一些自己到'此'一游的证据啦!

不知为什么, 我摆的'普士'总是怪怪的!

老公仔就不同, 他随时随地都能摆出模特儿摄影的模样...

你看, 就是那么有型... 我什么时候才能学会呢?

怎么样? 这一张有没有进步了些? (我是从印度电影学会的) 哈哈!

Monday, June 11, 2007

-- 波德申 (高级餐厅午餐篇) --

中午抵达时还不饿, 岂料下午我俩的肚子都在打鼓了.

为了要尽情享受, 我们决定在度假村里的餐厅把我们的午餐解决掉.

看我饿成这个样子, 连看目录都那么投入! 哈哈!

餐厅的待遇就是不一样, 连淡而无味的白开水看起来也特别好喝.

意大利面虽美味, 但价钱也不菲哦!

三文治搭配的马铃薯块, 虽然有点贵, 但也值得啦!

-- 波德申 (舒适酒店篇) --

上星期天,我和老公仔到波德申去度假, 整个旅途都很愉快。

我俩所住的度假村名为 ‘GUOMAN RESORT’。



我和老公仔在房里先拍张亲密照, 哈哈!

BB LIM 与我的 '母子' 合照!这是取自房间里的其中一个角落,很悠闲哦!

轮到老公仔和他的爱熊拍照了!看BB LIM 多爱抢镜头!

从房间外面所拍到的风景, 让人有种心旷神怡的感觉!

看见我的这个'普士', 应该忍不住要笑了起来吧!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

-- 马六甲八面玲珑 --

因为要倒数一个重要的日子, 所以我们选择在这家餐厅吃晚餐.

要不是朋友曾经介绍过, 单凭店名实在难以相信它是一家食馆.

八面玲珑 --老扳为店所取的名字真有意思, 只因这是一家只卖面食的店.


我和老公仔当然是点了我们的最爱的意大利面啦 ^_^

"柠檬香蜜" 好美观哦!

"PASTA with Cheese and Ham" -- 芝士与火腿的搭配, 简直是完美无瑕.

"Spaghetti with Cheese & Ham"--
几乎同样的美食搭配, 用的面条不一样, 也能吃出另一番风味.

-- 马六甲简单鱼 --


由于大伙儿的建议是吃西餐,最后就选了这家“简单鱼”(SIMPLY FISH) 的西餐厅。

没光顾过的人可能不知道, 这家餐馆的"FISH & CHIPS"实在是顶级的美食。

若不相信的话, 大可亲自去试一下。

别小看这碟鱼柳!当你把它吃完的那一刻, 那种无法形容的满足感尽在不言之中。

这盘名为"OCEAN SUPREME"的佳肴, 只是看都知道它有多"架势"啦!